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Global Mosquito Observations Dashboard (GMOD): interactive map dashboard for visualizing and downloading mosquito data from citizen science platforms iNaturalist, Mosquito Alert, and NASA/GLOBE Observer's Mosquito Habitat Mapper and Land Cover. (Carney et al 2022).

Figure 5.png artificial intelligence (AI) tools for citizen scientists and mosquito control personnel to identify the species and gonotrophic stage of larval and adult mosquitoes using smartphone photos. Developed through NSF grant #2014547 and two patents pending, in collaboration with the Chellappan lab. (Carney et al 2022; Minakshi et al 2020a,b). (beta)

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DYCAST: Dynamic Continuous-Area Space-Time model for predicting hot spots of virus transmission (e.g., WNV, dengue, Zika). (Carney et al 2011; Carney 2010; Theophilides et al 2006, 2003, 2008).

Bee classifiers: artificial intelligence algorithms for image recognition of bees and bee mimics. (Bhuiyan et al 2022).  Zenodo

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Googlecology organizational phylogenetics

ArcOSAUR: ArcGIS Operations for Surface Analysis Using Rasters toolkit. (Carney 2008).  poster

Googlecology: interactive corporate planning dashboard for executives to easily visualize, analyze, and compare internal data. Invented a new heuristic—“organizational phylogenetics”—that integrates frameworks and methodologies from ecology, evolutionary science, and sociology. Dashboard built using Improvise architecture. (Proprietary).  bonus track

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