Dr. Ryan Carney

* National Geographic Learning. Global middle school curriculum,
Impact: Flying High. Featured Explorer and contributor (2024, 2016)
* National Geographic Learning. Research and art profiled in high
school textbook World of Chemistry, 4th Edition by Zumdahl et al
2020, p.380-1 (circulation >20K). Amazon, Cengage
* National Geographic Learning. Research and art profiled in
Explorations booklet “Ryan Carney: Bringing Dinosaurs to Life"
(circulation >50K) and accompanying video (2020).
* Archaeopteryx research featured in My Beloved Brontosaurus by
Riley Black (2013)
* Archaeopteryx research featured in Zombie Birds, Astronaut Fish,
and Other Weird Animals by Becky Crew (2013)
* National Geographic Magazine. Archaeopteryx research featured in
Sep 2021 issue: “From a dino’s wing” by Michael Greshko. (circulation >10M)
* New Scientist. “The Early Bird” by Michael Marshall (circulation 125K) (2019). link
* National Geographic Magazine. Archaeopteryx research featured as
2-page spread in May 2018 issue (circulation >10M): image, article
* USF Magazine. “Using virtual reality to learn more about dinosaurs” (2017). link
* National Geographic Kids. Research featured in "Dinosaur Color" by Zac Petit. (circulation >4M) (2014)
* Make-A-Wish (2022): bit.ly/3m43XY5 + gma.abc/3Zs90zV
* National Geographic: one of five paleontologists on a "Reimagining Dinosaurs" panel on Facebook Live. Viewership: >140K. (2020)
• National Geographic Learning: two virtual "Masterclass" visits to elementary, middle, and high school students in 96 institutions
across 12 countries in Latin America. Viewership: 11K. (2020)
* National Geographic Emerging Explorer, class of 2017
* Visited 2nd grade classroom at Oakridge Elementary to teach students about dinosaurs and AR (2017). video
* National Geographic Learning / Cengage. Keynote speaker (2016)
* Volunteer. Florida Aquarium: National Fossil Day (2016); Yale Peabody Museum: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Days, Paleo-Knowledge
Bowl (2007–2010); California State Capital: Science Days (2007)
Museum Exhibits
* Pokémon Fossil Museum. Consultant (2021). link, virtual tour
* "The Art of Archaeopteryx" traveling exhibit. Contributor, consultant (2015)
* Garden of the Gods Visitor Center. "Theiophytalia kerri." Consultant (2014)
* Lawrence Hall of Science. "Big Dinos Return." Contributor (2005)​
* Interviewed about MosquitoDashboard.org and mosquito AI research by Good Morning America, ABC Action News, FOX 13,
Bay News 9, SNNTV, and WTSP in 2023, 2020
* WFLA (2022): “Meet the dinosaurs from ‘Jurassic World Dominion’”. video
* Digital Dinosaurs course featured by local news (2019, 2018, 2017)
* National Geographic Channel. "T. rex Autopsy." Consultant (2015)
* Discovery / Science Channel. "The Dinosaur Feather Mystery." Contributor (2004)
* USF Press Release. "22 USF Faculty Members Recognized with Outstanding Research Achievements Awards"
* “Using citizen science and AI to track deadly and invasive mosquitoes”
press: USF, NASA Earth (IG), NASA/GLOBE, WSTP-TV, Wilson Center
sign up to contribute to our larval AI research: form
download citizen science posters:
* Carney et al 2020, Scientific Reports pdf
"Evidence corroborates identity of isolated fossil feather as a
wing covert of Archaeopteryx"
articles: New York Times, National Geographic
press releases: EurekAlert!, USF: "Dinosaur feather study debunked"

* Atlas Obscura. "How a black-feathered dino inspired a series of nerdy cocktails" by Isaac Schultz
* USF Press Release. “USF researchers develop new technologiesto fight mosquito-borne diseases”
* Tampa 10 TV coverage. “USF awarded major grant to help control spread of mosquito-borne diseases”
* Bay News 9 TV coverage. “USF professor brings dinosaurs ‘back to life’” by Katie Jones
* Comments in National Geographic: 1, 2, 3, 4
* National Geographic. "Fourteen world-changers named 2017 National Geographic Emerging Explorers"
* Inside Higher Ed. "More than just cool?" by Nick Roll
* Comment in: National Geographic. "How mosquitoes use stealth to steal your blood" by Elaina Zachos
* PNAS. "News Feature: Prehistoric animals, in living color" by Amber Dance
* Comment in: Christian Science Monitor. “How a 10-million-year-old snake helps bring extinct animals into full color" by Eva Botkin-Kowacki
* Lindgren et al 2015, Scientific Reports pdf
press releases: EurekAlert!, Brown University: "Pigments, organelles persist in fossil feathers"
articles: Forbes, IFLScience!, NBC News, redOrbit, Science Update radio / AAAS, Tech Times, Vice / Motherboard, Der Standard (Austria), Yahoo! News (Canada), Gazeta Wyborcza (Poland), VladTime (Russia), Europa Press (Spain)

* Lindgren et al 2014, Nature pdf
press release: EurekAlert!: "Fossil pigments reveal the colors of ancient sea monsters"
articles: BBC, Brown Daily Herald, Brown University, CBS News, Discovery News, National Geographic, Phys.org, redOrbit, Science / AAAS, The Scientist, Laborwelt (Germany), Spiegel Online (Germany), Le Scienze (Italy)

* Nature. "Rival species recast significance of ‘first bird’" by Ewen Callaway
* National Geographic. "Feathered fossils give scaly dinosaurs a makeover" by Dan Vergano
* Carney et al 2014, JVP press release: Society for Vertebrate Paleontology: "Taking a deeper look at 'ancient wing'"
articles: Vice / Motherboard, Science World Report, Science 2.0., Biosphere
* LiveScience. "True color of dinosaur feathers debated" by Megan Gannon
* COSMOS (Australia). "The ever-changing land of the dinosaurs" by Becky Crew
* Journal Sentinel. "Study finds new shades in proto-bird's feathers" by Jennifer Laaser
* Chemistry World / Royal Society of Chemistry (UK). "Colouring in the dinosaur book" by Emma Stoye
* Discover Magazine. "Archaeopteryx: The embargoed tattoo" by Carl Zimmer
* Carney et al 2012, Nature Communications pdf
press releases: EurekAlert!, Brown: "Winged dinosaur Archaeopteryx dressed for flight"
articles: The New York Times, Nature, Science / AAAS, National Geographic, Brown Daily Herald, ScienceNews, Huffington Post, Medill Reports, WSU, COSMOS (Australia), Die Presse (Austria), Futura-Sciences (France), Hindustan Times (India), NRC (Netherlands), NWT Magazine (Netherlands), Scientias (Netherlands), Kennislink (Netherlands), La Razon (Spain), metrics, radio: National Geographic Weekend Radio
video: National Geographic / Brown University see also VIDEOS page

* Vinther et al 2012, Palaeontology pdf
press release: UT Austin: "CT scan and 3-D print help scientists reconstruct an ancient mollusk"
articles: National Geographic, Daily Mail, redOrbit, Sci-News, Science, Space & Robots

* Carney et al 2011, Emerging Infectious Diseases pdf
press release: Brown University: "Software predicted virus risk in California epidemic" by David Orenstein
articles: Medical Xpress, redOrbit, UPI
see animation of risk model on VIDEOS page and DYCAST.org

* Smash Magazine. "Mastema" by Lauren Napier
* Government Health IT. "Surveillance case study: Mosquito coasts" by Dibya Sarkar
* San Francisco Chronicle. "Chronicles in Education: Bones to Birds, The New Science of Dinosaurs." Contributor.
* USF Press Release. "USF researchers launch global dashboard to track invasive mosquitoes carrying deadly diseases"